February 14, 2013

Rockets in the Wind

OK, snot rockets are not all I think about on the bike.  But it seems like almost every time I get my heart rate up, I end up needing to clear my airways.  What I've realized over this past month being back on the bike is that care must be taken on the bike to remember that I'm not running.

Running...at least when I do it, is not particularly fast, and thus there is little wind.  That's not true on the bike, because even I can go fast enough to feel wind in my face.  About three times now I've given the old heave out of one nostril just fine, but when I switch and blast the other... well let's just say laundry day moves a bit closer.  Or, more truthfully, several bits closer.

Then when I concentrate too much on keeping the process clean I end up weaving down the road a bit.  I'm getting better though.  Getting better.

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